Applied Machine Learning & AI Cohort (Elite/Pro)

Chuka Uzo

This curriculum is designed to cover end-to-end data engineering processes, from ingestion to visualization and orchestration.

250,000.00 / month for 3 months and a 50,000.00 sign-up fee



Applied Machine Learning & AI Cohort (Elite/Pro)

Duration: 12 Weeks


Weeks 1-2: Python for Machine Learning
– Goals: Gain proficiency in Python fundamentals, data manipulation with Pandas, and data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn.
– Milestone: Complete a series of exercises demonstrating mastery of these tools.


Weeks 3-4: Introduction to Machine Learning
– Goals: Understand supervised vs. unsupervised learning, model selection, and evaluation.
– Milestone: Implement basic classification and regression models on sample datasets.


Weeks 5-6: Deep Learning Fundamentals
– Goals: Learn the basics of neural networks, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
– Milestone: Build a simple neural network model for image classification.


Weeks 7-8: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
– Goals: Introduction to NLP concepts, text preprocessing, and sentiment analysis.
– Milestone: Develop a model to classify text data based on sentiment.


Weeks 9-10: Reinforcement Learning & Advanced Topics
– Goals: Explore advanced AI topics including reinforcement learning and AI ethics.
– Milestone: Create a basic reinforcement learning model in a simulated environment.


Weeks 11-12: Capstone Project
– Goals: Apply all learned skills to a comprehensive project, ideally solving a real-world problem.
– Milestone: Present the project, demonstrating applied machine learning and AI techniques.


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Frequenty Asked Questions

What is Ellie?

Ellie is an AI assistant built by Pasive to help creators and store owners streamline their work, from generating product descriptions to managing social media

How does Ellie work?

Ellie uses AI LLMs like Claude, Llama & ChatGPT to help your work

Who can use Ellie?

Ellie is designed for anyone on the Pasive platform looking to save time and boost productivity, especially creators and store owners.

Is Ellie difficult to use?

Not at all! Ellie is user-friendly and designed to make your work easier. Just type in your request, and Ellie will handle the rest.

Can Ellie manage social media?

Yes, Ellie can help craft social media ads, announcements, and more, helping you maintain an active and engaging online presence.

How can Ellie help with content creation?

Ellie can generate podcast scripts, product descriptions, press releases, and other content to help you communicate effectively with your audience.

Get 5x more productive with Ellie Pro


USD $0/month


USD $10/month

Ellie is an AI assistant built for creators and trained to be safe, accurate, and secure.

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